3 Steps to Cultivating your Passion

Some of my clients are shocked to find out I hadn’t set out to become a web developer. As you may have seen shared on some Instagram posts, I studied business as an accounting major. When I graduated with a business management degree, on track to becoming an accountant, I thought life was about to get pretty boring. Even though I had worked so hard throughout university towards this goal, I had so many doubts about what a career should mean and feel like. Every job interview lined up asked the same question: what is your passion? To be honest, I didn’t feel passionate about anything and - to be very honest - I thought most people who claimed to be passionate were bluffing.

But…something inside me knew it was possible to genuinely enjoy what you do for a living - I just didn’t know how to get there.

Fast forward a few years after graduation: I had a ton of self-doubt, insecurity, and a whole bunch of crummy jobs that tested my conviction. Then, I came across web development, and it was a total game-changer for me.

Web development was like nothing I could have ever imagined for myself. It opened up a whole new world for me - introducing me to the tech industry, and changing my way of thinking. Learning about web development brought me back to life, and made me feel so validated in who I was, how my brain worked, and what I was truly capable of. It began to give me an outlet for my creativity and, oddly enough, reinvigorated my love of business.


All those years I thought something was wrong with me for not feeling this elusive “passion” I so often heard about. I wish someone had just told me to STOP trying to FIND “passion” - as if it was an elusive thing hiding under my couch. Sometimes, the key to discovering what you DO want is through learning what you DON’T want. If I hadn’t explored the path of becoming an accountant, taking those interviews, and working those crummy jobs, I may have never known what it feels like to finally be passionate about something.

All these years later, I've learned a few things about passion. First and foremost, passion isn’t a default state that happens for us all. It is not a passive sentiment, something that just falls in your lap without any effort. Through many trials and tribulations, I’ve discovered:

  1. You need to actively cultivate your passion, through trial and error
  2. You need to put yourself out there: try new things, experiment, talk to people
  3. You need to throw things at the wall, and see what sticks


Being passionate is one thing, but putting in the work to truly cultivate that passion is where the magic happens. In other words: don’t wait for it, work for it! After working as a web developer and product manager for five years, I was ready to take my passion to the next level. I chose to become an entrepreneur so that I could challenge myself, and realize my full potential. While the first year contained its fair share of lessons, I’m so incredibly grateful I get to run my own business and spend my days doing a little bit of everything that I truly love.

Don’t get me wrong, entrepreneurship is hard! However, the tough parts - stress, vulnerability, loneliness - are far outweighed by the rewarding parts. Some things I love most about entrepreneurship are:

  1. Having freedom and flexibility in my work
  2. The challenge of running my own business
  3. The creativity involved
  4. The ability to connect with so many like-minded entrepreneurs, from all over the world

Most days, I have to pinch myself that I’m finally living a life filled with passion, that I designed completely for myself. When work feels like play, you know you’re doing something right.

If you’ve ever doubted yourself or wondered if it’s possible to do what you truly love - take it from me, it is! Just remember to keep trying, and stay curious.

Connect with Early Riser on Instagram, or reach out to work together via our client application.